A Simple Prayer


I know and recognize that I am sinful and that I have not lived a life guided by your truth and an honest relationship with you. I pray for your forgiveness for this; I open my heart and my life to you and your purposes. Recognizing that leaning on my own understanding and the ways of this world have lead me to numerous calamities and short fallings only showing me that in the end these were false idealologies and ficticious idols only there to fail. Lord, I place my faith firmly in you my Rock, recognizing that you are the only firm foundation amongst sinking sand. Place apon me your yoke and release from me the one that I cannot bear; release me from the resentments, shame, guilt and despair that are the results from a life lived from sin and cleanse me white as newly fallen snow! Lord, may I live in the realization that in you I am made new! My sins and past no longer define who I am for you have casted these things as far as the East is from the West! I am defined by you Lord and my relationship with you Lord! Something that nothing on earth has the power to take away, you have always been there and will always be there because your love for me knows no bounds.
    Lord help me to be reminded of who you are daily, may I look for you in everything I do. Lord may I proclaim your truth whrever I may go as a living testimony of your Grace, Love and Mercy. Lord, may you be glorified in everything I do, use me Lord just as you used the men of the Bible. Men who were not perfect, who had flaws and failings just like me, but that did not matter to you Lord because you use what is flawed to show your perfection. So Lord may I walk humbly and obediently with you so that I may be of most service to my family and the world around me. I love you Lord!



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Nampa, ID, United States

My Utmost For His Highest