So Much to be Thankful For!

I love Thanksgiving, it is probably my favorite holiday because of the simple fact that it is based off of gratitude. Its not selfish...besides stuffing your face, its not commercialized and it is simply families getting together to enjoy one another and eat some great food. For me personally I love how the holiday always sends me internal reflecting on all the things I am grateful for in my life.

I am thankful for our Lord Jesus Christ, his whole life dedicated in his love for us so that we may know life and life eternal with him. I am thankful that not only has he saved my life, but he is also transforming it daily, shaping and molding me into a man fit to serve him and those around me. I am thankful that God has given us things like the Word, prayer and fellowship, all vital to my spirtual formation, the building of Faith, and understanding of Him and his ways. The past three years of walking with Him has been the most amazing, crazy thing ever and I look forward to a future of serving and loving Him.

I am extremly thankful this year for being blessed in finding a wife!! I am so thankful for my fiancee, she is an amazing woman who has stepped into my life and captivated my heart! Her love is amazing and I am so thankful that I am a the man who gets to experience that, it truly is a blessing. I love how being with her pushes me to want to be a better man, to move forward spiritually, to open my mind to other things. She challenges me and I love it, Christ is clearly using her to grow me and I hope I have the same effect on her. I am thankful for her son and my soon to be step son Andrew. It is amazing what a grown man can learn from an 8-year old boy, he has shown me soo much, specifically on what it means to love unselfishly. He has brought much joy in my life and oddly enough its the little things that have the largest impact on me. It is my hope and prayer that I will be a good man for him in the future and a good example of a spiritual man.

Lastly but not anywhere near the end of my thankful list is family and freinds. There is no question that I would not be where I am today had I not been blessed with the family I have. My mother and father have supported me through amazingly dark times in my life, when I couldnt even believe in myself they did. They continue to support me today and I know I can go to the with anything and they would be there for me, that is truly a great feeling. I am thankful for my brother and sister in law, my brother showed me what it means to be a man, to work hard, to be a good husband and father. He is truly a great man and he and his wife put up with me for quite awhile and I am thankful they loved me through it. I am thankful for all my family they are great people who I love very much, who believe in me even when I cant. Also, for my niece and nephew who prayed for me long before I knew the Lord, it worked! I am thankful for y sister because she is an awesome woman!

There is much to be thankful for in my life, it has gone through a reconstructive surgery the past three years, it truly is amazing. I am thankful that Christ is there and working when we cant even see or detect him because I have found that he has been working a mighty thing through subtle variances in my life and for that I am thankful. 


Face Everything And Recover, I heard this the other day at my home metting of Alcoholics Anoynomous for the first time ever since being in the rooms of alcoholics anoynomous. Of course I have heard many other acronyms for the great feeling/reaction of fear, one that I used to live my life by is Forget Everything And Run. Fear or my lack of ability to handle it properly played a huge role in my life and continues to be a huge part of my spiritual formation today. When I was drinking and in the depths of my alcoholism fear is what drived my  lack of motivation to try and help myself. When I was drinking I was fearless, alcohol allowed me to escape from my fellings of worthlessness, low esteem, shame and guilt, into another realm of existence where I did not have those things pulling me down. In a sense I had a fear of my feelings, I had no clue how to manage my own feelings in a natural beneficial way, the only way I knew to handle them was to get wasted. So as you can imagine this made it very difficult for me to succeed in trying to stay sober on my own accord. Everytime I tried to get sober the feelings would just come crashing back in, all the fearful thoughts like "what if I am alone?", "what if I cant mix with a non alcoholic crowd?", "what if I fail again? Just like I always do?", What if someone finds out about my past?" These and a million other thoughts and fears would come crashing in causing me to run straight back to the party life in order to escape my fears yet again. After the cycle repeated itself again and again I thought it futile to even try and fight and figured I had been doomed to this life I had chosen for myself.

This was as far from the truth as could be and in fact it was at this low spot in my life that for the first time in my life I was at a place where I realized I was completely powerless over my ability to do the right thing. This is where God needed me to be in order that I may fully trust him and his work in my life...It was like in the movies where the hero comes in and says, "If you want to live, come with me." Only with Jesus it is "If you want to live have faith in me," from hope came faith and through faith came the ability to face my fears and actually do the right thing when faced with choices. I didnt even realize it, but this faith carried me through prison crashing through fears and adversity, things that would normally make me crumble were being faced and dealt with, the beauty of it was all I was doing was walking in faith and doing the next right indicated thing. It wasnt until I was out of prison and on my sixth step that I would have my first realized bout with facing my deep fears. I had many small bouts before this one but this one would be the one that changed my life, where I would learn the lesson face everything and recover.

Step 6 says: "We were entirely ready to have God remove these defects of character." At this time I had my defects of character listed and fresh on my mind from my fouth and fifth step, I was praying to God daily to help remove these defects and reveal to me any others that I had missed. However in the midst of all this I felt very unhappy and depressed about recovery, it was like I was at this point where I was either going to buy into this thing fully or do it my own way. I think I feared completly letting go of the old Richard, there was a big part of me that feared where this life would lead me, what it would turn me into and who I would become.  My character defect fear reared its ugly head and again I was allowing my own understanding and perceptions to govern what I thought was right. It was at this point where God came pounding through in my heart and prayers showing me that I had to crash through the fears and TRUST!! He was not letting me go and I felt this overwhelming feeling that I just had to step out yet again and trust God and his direction and care. I did then and I contnue to do the same thing everyday, I have learned that in facing my fears my faith in Christ is bolstered and through those encounters something is always revealed to me about who I am.

So today I dont walk in fear I walk in faith, knowing that whatever life throws at me isnt an opportunity to run but an opportunity to embrace and grow with Christ. One of my favorite books in the bible is 1Peter and my all time favorite set of verses which I'll end with that relates completly to this topic is 1Peter 1:3-10, in verses 6-9 Peter says:

"6In this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials. 7These have come so that your faith—of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire—may be proved genuine and may result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed. 8Though you have not seen him, you love him; and even though you do not see him now, you believe in him and are filled with an inexpressible and glorious joy, 9for you are receiving the goal of your faith, the salvation of your souls."

I am this big and God is THIS BIG!!

One of the greatest things I have experienced in my Christian walk is when I am humbeled by the Lord.  He is so gentle and so subtle in the ways in which he shows me that just when I think I have something figured out I will learn the opposite. For instance, I used to always be skeptical of people who would meet someone, date for awhile and then be married within a year. Then, when you would ask them about it all they would say is, "when you know," I what does that mean! right!? I sit engaged within two months and scheduled to be married before a year, 10 months to be exact. All I can say to this is when you know you know lol!! It is just amazing how the Lord will use real life situations to show me exactly how things are and how little I am. Another favorite of mine is when I am reading a book like the bible or listening to a preacher or speaker, when some little bit of truth cuts through all the stuff rolling around in my head and reveals to me this path that God has been tenderly leading me on. Eventhough along that path I had faced some really hard times, in the end it worked for the good. Its like a whole other aspect I didnt even see is revealed to me about a situation and I am reminded again at just how BIG! God is. Yet in his omnimpotence and omniprescence I still significantly matter to God and he loves me. I find such comfort in being able to trust God in that way, I know that through whatever I can hold onto my faith knowing that in whatever trials or storms I face I can find peace, serenity and rejoice in him.

Anyway I kind of got off the thought I really wanted to try and get out here. When these situations arise in my walk I notice on really major theme, I relied on my own understanding. Who am I to say that God could not bring two people together and place an amazing love in each of their hearts to a point of marriage. Who am I to allow my own perceptions, my own feelings about a situation govern my thoughts and ideas to a point where I have already come to a comclusion on how its all going to end or be. The answer is I am not God. When I allow myself to do this I am no longer trusting in God but I am trusting on my own understanding, then you know what happens to me? I, whether I know it or not, react in a way that is totally orchestrated with how I view or perceive the situation being or ending. Which is totally ridiculous sometimes because I am human I can only see things as they are right now, I do not have the ability God does to be able to hold life like a jeweler would a diamond and see and understand all the any facets of it. It is at these times where I can be treading in deep water if my motives and spiritual condition is not focused on the kingdom but is focused on Richard. It is where the dance of spiritual practices such as scripture, prayer and fellowship come in to try the best I can enable my will with that of God's. To be singing in the same tune of the spirit, so that God doesnt have to reach out and hit me with a 2x4 but instead just guides and finds me obediently following not thinking.

"So Abraham rose early in the morning . . . and went to the place of which God had told him" ( Genesis 22:3 ). Oh, the wonderful simplicity of Abraham! When God spoke, he did not "confer with flesh and blood" ( Galatians 1:16 ). Beware when you want to "confer with flesh and blood" or even your own thoughts, insights, or understandings— anything that is not based on your personal relationship with God. These are all things that compete with and hinder obedience to God.

-Oswald Chambers
My Utmost For His Highest

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Nampa, ID, United States

My Utmost For His Highest